Since entering office in January 2009, President Barack Obama, has done everything in his power to fundamentally transform the United States of America. America is a nation that was founded on the principles of individual freedom and liberty, personal responsibility, free market capitalism, and the idea that men were inherently free and imbued with certain rights that government can never take away. If this was what America was founded upon and Barack Obama is intent on fundamentally transforming America, then the question needing to be asked is what is he changing us into? All indicators seem to point to a Western European Social-Welfare state.
After entering the White House in 2009, the Obama Administration quickly moved to pass what we know today as the “Stimulus”. With this stimulus, or so they called it, the Administration promised the nation that unemployment would not rise above 8% and that 3-4 million new jobs would follow. Unfortunately for the president and his democrat party nothing could be further from reality. Since Barack Obama took office in January 2009 the United States has lost more 6 million jobs and “created or saved” nothing. In recent days, due to the March jobs report, the Obama Administration has been touting the 162,000 jobs created as if that were a measure of success on his jobs report card. For starter’s, 48,000 of these “new jobs” are temporary US Census jobs meaning these workers will terminated as soon as the Census is completed. For arguments sake let’s say that all 162,000 jobs were created in the private sector as a result of Obama’s spending, that would mean that on average the administration spent, or more accurately the American people spent, nearly $5 million per every job created last month. So what did the stimulus actual accomplish? A lot according to the administration and so I’ve decided to list a few of those great accomplishments. $850 million for Amtrak; $150 million for producers of honeybees; $7.6 billion for rural community investment programs (ACORN?); $400 million for global warming research; $6.2 billion for weatherization assistance; $350 million for computers for the Dept. of Agriculture; $600 million to convert federal vehicles to hybrids; $4.2 billion for neighborhood stabilization activities (ACORN?); $1.2 billion for youth summer camp; $650 million for digital converter coupons; $90 million to educate “vulnerable populations” about digital television; $3.4 million for a turtle tunnel. I need not go on, I’m sure you get the picture. What does any of this have to do with reviving a bad economy and creating jobs? And for this the President believe he deserves a “solid B” for his job as president. Mr. President, the American people would beg to differ. The unemployment rate stands at nearly 10%, as it has for a few months now, with the underemployment rate well over 20% and this President wants us to believe he is going about the people’s business? This President and his democrat congress seem to have little concern for what the people think or say; it’s as if they disdain ordinary Americans and the values they cherish.
The United States faces a debt crises unseen by past generations and as days go by that crisis worsens. The United States’ current debt on unfunded liabilities alone stands at $108,260,117,865,917 and is ticking upward by the second. For those of you looking at this number trying to figure out exactly what it is, it’s over $108 Trillion. In a breakdown of this figure we have Medicare’s unfunded liability over $75 trillion; Social Security Liabilities over $14 trillion and prescription drug liabilities over $18 trillion. The US national debt stands at $12.8 trillion and counting, with foreign powers owning an ever increasing portion of it. The nation of Japan owns $765 billion of our debt; China owns $755 billion; OPEC owns $218 billion; the United Kingdom owns $206 billion; Brazil owns $169 billion; Russia owns $124 billion. The Federal budget is on course to run a record $1.6 trillion deficit in 2010 with trillion dollar deficits following for the next 10 years. The Federal Budget, President Obama’s Budget, is also projected to add an additional $13 trillion to the national debt and to have dire effects on the economy at large. The President’s Budget would raise taxes on all Americans over the coming decade to the tune of nearly $3 trillion while simultaneously dumping on us an additional $74,000 in debt per household. This nation’s fiscal house is on fire and the President and his liberal allies in Congress are running in with gasoline instead of the water hoses.
Is the world a safer place now that Obama is President? Has his doctrine of “smart power” produced any real results? Have our adversaries grown stronger while our allies are weaken? The truth of the matter is that the world is not a safer place with Barack Obama as President, and judging from his determination to continue his failed policies I fear the world will get a lot more dangerous before it gets better, if it ever gets better. Does the Obama administration truly care rather or not the Islamic Republic of Iran acquires nuclear weapons? Or are they more concerned with the State of Israel building settlements on land everyone acknowledges will be Israel’s in any future peace settlement? Is the Obama Administration more interested in appeasing the Russians for votes they’ll never get on the UN Security Council than insuring the US maintains its arms superiority and nuclear deterrent? What are the crowning successes of this administrations foreign policy that warrant the nation’s approval? The President’s recent summit on Nuclear security produced great photo oops for the president, well except for that one of him bowing to the President of China, but what else is there to show for all the fan fair? Mexico, Canada, and Ukraine agreed to dispose of highly enriched uranium and China agreed to come to the UN Security Council table on Iranian sanctions and in the words of the President “participate”. Addressing the last point, what does it mean for China to agree to “participate” at the Security Council? The White House quickly tried to spin this into news as if China had agreed to impose sanctions on Iran; China agreed to no such thing. Most of the time when the UN Security Council meets all permanent members, meaning the US, United Kingdom, France, Russia, and China “participate” in the deliberations but that doesn’t mean they vote in favor of the motion. The United States repeatedly over the past attended Security Council meetings with resolutions on the table reprimanding Israel but the US has never voted for any of them; the US was there for the sole purposes of vetoing such resolutions. With both China and Russia having lucrative trade deals with Iran totaling in the hundreds of billions, and with Russia in talks with Iran to create a Natural Gas cartel similar to OPEC, why does anyone in the White House believe they will vote to sanction Iran? Unfortunately the “successes” of smart power extent well beyond the Persian Gulf. In Eastern Europe, the nations of Poland and the Czech Republic were stunned to learn Obama decided to pull plans to install anti-ballistic missiles systems in both country’s leaving them vulnerable to Russia’s aggression. Ukraine is moving into a closer relationship with Russia as they see that the Obama Administration has no interest in helping them protect their freedoms. And the nation of Georgia, a staunch US ally, is left to fight the powerful Russian army because the President want to “reset” relations with Russia.
What’s happening to America and is our decline inevitable? America stands at a pivotal moment in time when we can either except the decline the Left in this country has sought for decades or we can retake and then remake this nation back into the image of our Founders. I believe America will choose the latter course and that a new constitutionally conservative revolution will sweep the nation as people continue to see the fruits of the destructive policies of the liberal welfare state and today’s democrat party.
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ReplyDeleteGreat job on presenting your case for returning America to "the image of our Founders".